Donlouco Ireland Ltd EN 1090 & ISO 9001 Certified.
Updated Certifications for 2024.
Donlouco Certificate EN 1090.
Donlouco Certificate ISO 9001.
EN 1090 - Structural Steel CE Marking
About EN 1090
EN 1090 is a European standard requiring a Factory Production Control system for the production of steel and aluminium components. Examples may include anything from farm buildings, houses, shops, stadia, bridges and other commercial buildings. These are a few examples and there will be many others. Achieving accredited certification against EN 1090 is a requirement to allow CE marking of product.
Certification against EN 1090 is only acceptable via an accredited certification body via an accreditor such as INAB which are then appointed by the European Commission as a Notified body.
Benefits of Achieving EN 1090 Certification
Allows the company to apply CE marks to structural steel/Aluminium
Legal compliance for structural steel/aluminium manufacturers
Improves skills of employees – through ensuring qualified/trained to relevant levels, monitoring and testing product.
Improves and ensures quality of product through testing regime and improvement suggestions from assessors.
Demonstrates quality to customers improving company image.
ISO 9001 – Quality Management Certification
About ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the most recognised and widely used quality management standard throughout the world. The standard uses the plan, do, check, act cycle management framework to improve business practices helping you to provide services and products that meet your customers’ expectations.
The standard is based on a number of quality management principles with systematic approaches that your business to follow whilst allowing flexibility on how this is done. The standard is relevant to any manufacturing process or service organisation, ISO 9001 can help you to become more efficient, improve results, quality and customer satisfaction.
In short, by adopting ISO 9001 you demonstrate that your organisation is customer-focused and committed to delivering high quality services.
Benefits using the ISO 9001 framework include:
Improved organisation image by achievement of globally recognised standard
Increased efficiency – through monitoring and analysis of performance leading to improvements
Improve supplier relationships – through involvement in some processes
Improved customer satisfaction – through requirements for quality and service being met.
Continuous improvement – by monitoring and using trend analysis results to make improvements
Improved record keeping – documenting systems, monitoring performance and results